NE quiz
Today, we did this quiz named NE quiz... It was fun :) i think . But it's so useless... Truth spoken!!!
Seriously... We could actually used that time , 1hr, to go through or revise oral !! I'm freaking nervous for oral...
Ok. Abt the NE quiz. It was a little cute game by which EVERYONE is the prime minster of a country with many Qns about "how well you know your country" which allows you earn $$ otw and you are able to upgrade your country with Healthcare, Defense, Education, Sanitization and water , Industries, Housing , Amusement etc...
So I find it a little propaganda :/
Apparently while I was doing the quiz, I got NO WRONG ANSWER! but I only achieved 1 knowledge medal:( I see my friends' achievements and they have like BOOMZ amount of medals!! There are like 12 medals for you to take? And I only got 1/12... Many have like 9/12 or 10/12...
Not fair :(
I no medal... That's what I don't really like about this game... Haha!
Okay. Today was boring but a pinch of surprise and boring-fun game made my Monday blues go away~
The surprise was abt new lovebirds. But that was a bit expected by the way they chat here and there... Lastlong lovebirds! I find the new couple cute! =D