19 June 2012
Hey! Guess what? Today's a Tuesday! =D and guess what again? I will flunk my SS paper for sure. Why? What I studied apparently wasn't tested. I wa like "VENICE PLEASE PLEASE COME OUT!" and my friends were like " you crazy? Only study Venice for what? So risky! But don't worry, I bet VENICE will come out!" and I was relieved! =D Until the papers were given, still praying that Venice will come out, I SEE NO VENICE AT ALL!!!
And so, it was the longest SS paper I've took. People were frantically diaherroa-ing out their info onto the paper and pens moving at speed of light. And there I was #foreveralone reading the sources from SBQs and slowly reading the Qns. And hence, my neatest SS paper =D let's not talk about studies!
Let's talk about something more interesting like COSPLAY! ok~ since now I'm like a dominant volcano in this area, I have nothing to say except that I'VE TRIMMED MY VY2 wig! =D yay! feel so accomplished! I can see the light! But I have like 2 more wigs to trim. 1) Hungary and 2) Ken Joshima...
Ohh! And to say out my biggest secret for now,,,, my KHR uniform is wearable! The top only... And the pants? Haha! GG~ my hips are impossible to buckle the buckle but my wasits are able to! With the help of my lungs to breathe in one large gulp of air, providing sufficient space to buckle.
Now, revising my AMATHS ! =D and yeah~~ I hope I can get like a B4/3 for this test! =D ALL THE BEST TO MYSLEF AND EVERYONE SUFFERING FROM "0"s =D