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    Loola Adventure Camp! 2010

    Day 1

    CIP ( road building )

    Yay@! we built 6.5m road! YAY! but then the targetted length is 10m missed by 3.5m but it was great effort :D

    Day 2

    had coconut climbing first .. it was fun! but girls coconut tree was harder to climb then the boys' ones no wonder we 1 coconut also dun have but the guys plucked lke 6 coconuts! @.@

    Then we had the sky walk which is like very fun! I like " black out " for like a few seconds ... the moment I was on the log.. then the second i know i was hanging on mid-air.. got so dam shocked that I screamed so loud that my throat hurts ... almost cried when I reached the ground..I think I forgotten to breathe thats why..lack of OXYEGN!

    Then we had the Hill Trekking which was super fun! and TIRING ! like 10minutes of the hike.. I was out of breath lucky Mr.Yon suggested a water break YAY ! then contiuned the hike... it was so steep! !! then got ropes for us to hang on.. I was like using the ropes to support me and legs always jellied down every 5mins making me swing! reached the top! YAY ! then break and then had to climb back down! The down part was more easier but then more slowly as we had to like very carefully go down... slipped and fell loads of times until butt got one blue black T.T

    Had to go Boat Netting - a king of fun thing that had to jump into nets in the sea from a fishing boat! there is 3 levels to it if course 3rd level is the scariest and the most funnnest level!
    I jumped
    1st level - 3 times
    2nd level - 2 times
    3rd level - 3 times
    Super fun sia! hahas then had to go back to camosite T.T cannot play anymore

    Ate dinner in wet wear and then after dinner we ( integ girls) rushed to the bathroom to bathe ehile ppl are still eating their food .. haha Shi Hui even asked me why I eat so fast then run so fast... lols just for bathing girls can do ANYTHING to keep themselves and thier HAIR clean! :>

    Had a goos night's rest Jolene came over to sleep. While sleeping ZH was i guess dreamming hehehe she said sorry to me without knowing she had!

    Day 3

    Had water elements..Kayaking with Jeline and Trica.. hehe all the teachers kept on sa-boing us slashing sea water on u sT.T so wet but then it was fun despite the hot weather .

    Had a Kampong Walk which I had that damn blister afterwards . limped and the teacher saw gave me plaster and we walked slowly backed to the camp site :D I still limping ..bla.. so not good.

    Had Flying Fox! haha so fun... I was at the top asking Ahmad( trianer ) loads of Qs then had a countdown of 10 and i leaped off! wee! I waved and forgotton to scream arghh! damn it ... Gray copied me! he also waved! not fair but then Fawn had nosebleed... so sad..I thought she was gonna die!!!!! so much blood ! i was like OMG! NONO! DON'T DIE FAWN!

    dINNER was WET! and we were like so cold.. eattting dinner ... Mr Yon scolded us for being so slow but then Mrs Chong let us bathe first.. so touched but then I just changed intot he camp shirtt and went to the camp fire T.T hahahaha.. then after camp fire I went to bathe.. quite slow as I took my oun sweet time .. went out and Andire rushed in.. Felt abit gulity as she wasn't feeling well and I was there healthly taking my own time T.T sorry !

    Sleeping was fun! I skpet troughout ! wooho!

    Day 4

    HAD rafting inter-group competition! first boat didn;t work but the second one did ! :D hahas ... then we went to the sea-bed walking ;D so fun walking into the sea at knee level.. my parents will never allow me to do these kind of stuff for sure on lor!!! haha.. held hands with fawn chelsea and ZiHua... heheh I touched a SEA CUCUMBER! woots! haha felt slimy and BLACK! saw little hermit crabs and also a crab with BIG pincers which one of the ppl are holding ! ;D

    On the way back the bus ttrip was mostly sleeping ...
    On the Ferry was mostly LAUGHING with ZiHua , Zooylne and Gray... we were like telling each other very damn cold jokes and laughed like mad then MJ's MV came out and we were like influncing each other laughing about onlyt 1 action that is very famous of him doing! Not moonwalk but abit obsence action.. If you don'tknow what his MVs and try to watch until you understand... it is really obsence! laughed like all the way from Bintan to S'pore .. crazy sia!
    The ferry ride was very " roller coaster " like.. up and down.. non-sea sick ppl are having LOADS of FUN! but the sea-sicked ppl are having thier WORST moments! ... felt sorry and had fun at the same time @.@ haha

    At the Customs FAWN cut my queue! she was like " I cut your queue! x2" and they CUT she went infront of me RUNNING! -.- i WAS LIKE THAT ! the i told her that her actions like those aunties ..hehe..running to cut ppl's queue haha so funny >.<.. lols

    then the bus ride to NV was abit terrible. I passed by my house but then they have to turn to go the school insted T.T

    walked out and took a cab home with ZiHUA n Andire ! hmm... cos bags too heavy.. went home and then have a LONG bathe! MUM laughed at my sunburns sis got shocked by them T.T and I got shocked by them too myself! T.T why?

    Watched " jiu xiang lai zhe ni " like 20 mins then go sleep zzzZZzz....

    "Loola Adventure Camp! 2010" was Posted On: Sunday, March 28, 2010 @9:25 PM | 0 lovely comments

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