I had 2 big surprises TODAY
* Today after the Malay Conversation class, i went to the usual bustop to take bus 82.
* When I board the bus i was completely TIRED~! so i took up the nearest seat avaliable.
*When it was time to alight the bus, i stood up and got off the enterance of the bus.
*then heard a famillar voice calling me"DENISE~?!"
*Turned my head and saw one cute little girl standing there in joy wearing Cedar uniform.........
* WEI QI!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS WQ~!
* We were like so damn happy to see each other ! i was like =3
so happy~!
*We walked home together and talked on the way. Wei Qi like had grown taller. OMG~! she had grown and i had shrunken
* I think years later she will be taller than me. {noooooooo~!}
* I didn't noe 3 things.
1st, We. IEI had a class blog.
but it was nice. thanks to CHLOE~!
2nd, Hifzhan had a blog.---> spongebob square pant
3rd, Mark had a blog and was a person who plays Aduitions.
I WAS SHOCKED~! ........[stunned for a moment]
okays...now i am going to do my links.
see you...AGAIN~!