What the HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tell you what OKAY? now these days...
kids like primary 1 to 4 or maybe younger than that is really pissing me off
like today....
i was happily buying coffee(for mum) and a can of H20...
The auntie gave me the change and i took the tray of drink..
When i was about to walk back to my seat, i saw a little gal about P3
ME: excuse me
the gal: (looked at me)B*TCH
me: (STUNNED!!! dunno what to say)
she moved UNWILLINGLY!
i walked past her and she look at me with those eyes like i had bullied her.....
Do I look like a female dog???? i dun have fur and I have a pair of hands and legs not 2 pairs of legs!!!!!
this is really fustrating
last time (this year)
when i am like buying food or other stuff...if there is a boy/gal younger than me...i will be able to hear VERY NICE PHRASE/WORD
VERY FUNNY RIGHT????!!!!!!!!!
after blogging i think i am OKAY
hehe(back to the normal THE-NIECE)