as your can see from the pics... we quite enjoy the graduatoin ball....sads....its like the end of the world lehs...(sobs)(sobs)
Anyways, when the graduation ball ended, of cos we all gal hugged here hugged there some cried while some did not....
But it was very shocking to see all my BELOVED frens and besties cry....but it seems that i'm not "infected" by the crys...strange-.-
when i saw Isabel, WQ , Hy, cherine and many other gals cry, i was like"WOW!" they so gud! can cry unlike me (chio bu also) nv cry....I felt very weird...
But deep down inside my heart I was like crying like SIAO man!
*inner tears - i have pails of them
*outer tears - i have NONE!
At first when i step out of the house i was planning how should I cry so ans so lahs cos i can join in with Isabel they all but in the end .........
My plannig was a waste hurhur
byes and nites~!
"bitter dreams!" eh? nono wrong "sour dreams" nono wrong again!
what is that???
AH! "salty dreams??"
nonono ARHHHH i dunno lahs btw, have a gud dream!